This could break joint pain improvement industry in half...
Hello, my name is Dr. Kevin Davis and on this very page you’ll find out how an almost tragic accident with a 2 month baby forced me to find a permanent, natural joint pain relief method that can finally stop chronic joint pain in your hands, elbows, shoulder, hips, knees or ankles, no matter if it’s the result of chronic arthritis, trauma, genetics, overuse, tendon or ligament damage, cartilage decay or any other reason…

And it can do it without painkillers, steroid injections or expensive and dangerous surgeries…
You will also find out the real hidden reason why 90% of the people out there are doomed to experience some sort of joint inflammation sooner or later in life that comes with a world of undying pain…
Let me tell you it’s not genetics, nor how healthy you are…
It has nothing to do with what you eat either…
Instead, it has everything to do with an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body,
which slowly, but surely, leads to cell and tissue damage, wreaking havoc in your joints and on your overall health…
But once you’ll find out more about it… You will finally be able to quickly regain your healthy joints, restoring your mobility and flexibility once and for all, while forgetting all about pain and stiffness…
Not only that but you’ll also be able to move with ease, enjoy pain-free movements and you’ll feel better than you ever had in a brand new body…

As I’ve said before, my name is Kevin Davis and I’m orthopedic doctor…
Before we go any further, let’s address the “elephant in the room”…
If you’re like most of my clients, then you’ve probably heard all of the promises before and even tried a lot of the “so-called” solutions out there…
Stuff like ice-pads, exercises, anti-inflammatory drugs or tropical treatments…
Maybe you’ve put your hopes into supplements, vitamins, powders, sprays or herbal teas…
Or maybe you’re even thinking about surgery to repair cartilage… procedures that cost a painful amount of money, can put you at risk of infections and have no guarantee they will work whatsoever…

Which is why I want to be extremely clear that what I’m talking about here is unlike anything you’ve ever seen or heard of before…
It’s not based on “alternative treatments” or “positive thinking”, it’s based on real, solid science…
Which is why it’s very important that, before you spend your money on any more “professional products” or solutions, you pay close attention to what I am about to say…
Because as a doctor for more than 30 years, I’ve seen firsthand how debilitating and painful joint pain can be…
How it can drag you into a pit of despair and embarrassment, and isolate you from your dear ones…
So I’m happy you’ve chosen to look at this video, because this will transform your joints and your whole life…

No matter how long you’ve been dealing with joint problems, no matter how serious those problems are, your age or medical condition, I truly believe there is a simple solution to treat any joint, no matter if we’re talking about wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, back, hips, knees or ankles…
And it’s so powerful that I am convinced it will change your life forever, just like it has for so many other Americans…
Just imagine… No more inflamed wrist pain when holding your kids or grandkids…
No more throbbing pain when getting out of the bed in the morning…
No more cracking in your knees or stuffing yourself with expensive painkillers hoping the pulsating ankle or knee agony will let you breathe for just one second…
Never having to worry about going up the stairs or standing for too long…
Never having to see your friends or colleagues look at you with pity when you twinge in pain...
And never having to see your spouse or kids jumping to help you with every little object you want to lift with your hands…
Instead you can become one of those people with a rock solid confidence because nothing can stop you from reaching your goals…
Flexible, energetic and beaming with health…
And never ever set foot to an orthopedist again…
Once you see the groundbreaking science behind this inexpensive solution for yourself, I’m sure that you’ll be excited to give it a try…
Because in the next 5 minutes… I’ll reveal why other men and women like you have no joint problem even in their late 90s…
The #1 hidden ”joint destroyer” most people and doctors actually consider to be “the best thing ever invented for joints”...
Moreover, I will let you know the scientifically proven “joint healer” that could erase years of damage done to any joint…

I am a board-certified orthopedist for over 30 years, with extensive experience in treating bone and joint disease and injuries, which frequently involves orthopedic surgery…
I graduated from the University of California and completed my internship in the orthopedic field…
I earned a few awards in this field but I’ve also been involved in various nutrition related studies that eventually helped my patients reach the best version of themselves…

By all means, when people looked at me, they saw a successful doctor with a bright future ahead of me…
A doctor that would make a difference…
And this was surely what I was dreaming of: to really make a difference…
Only this dream came tumbling down when I realized that what I’d be taught in medical school only treated symptoms without ever getting to the root cause of a disorder…
People were just bodies, their pains were just “indicators”, and they were forgotten the minute they went out their doctors’ door…
All they were getting were pills and expensive surgeries, their lives and overall health were overlooked…
No one ever wondered where their disorders really came from…
I mean, if medicine is advancing, as they say, why are there more sick people than ever?

My frustration grew by the day, especially when I saw some of my colleagues blindly prescribing the same chemical medications for different people with different needs…
So, I decided I couldn’t continue like that anymore: that’s when my practice took a more holistic and natural approach…
I worked obsessively to understand how plants, herbs and organic ingredients work as solutions for my patients’ actual problems...
Since then, I’ve been able to help thousands of people around the world and I can tell you, at the end of the day, I really felt proud about what I was doing…

But everything changed when I met Paul Daniels, one of the most difficult cases I came across in my entire career…
He was 64 years old, a husband, a father and a “fresh” grandfather of a 2 month baby boy…
His entire life he had been the life of every party, always cracking jokes and shaking with laughter, no one could ever be sad around him…
After his retirement his dream was to host these weekly big barbeque parties… play with his grandchildren… and even become a stand-up comedian…
He just loved having people around…
All of that came crashing when his health went unexplainably down the hill without him even knowing…
The reason he came to see me was that he had a pain that slowly became chronic in his joints:
His hands hurt when he wanted to grab something, he had sore elbows, he felt pain in his shoulders, hips, knees and ankles…
Even his neck and back were affected…
He was a mess…
And this debilitating disease led him to an almost tragic accident…
And this debilitating disease led him to an almost tragic accident…
His daughter, Amy, gave birth to his first grandchild, little Jason, and everybody was excited, especially Paul…
He couldn’t wait to hold his grandson in his arms and, even though his wife said it wasn’t a good idea because of his spiking and out-of-the-blue pain, he said he could bare it for a minute or two to hold little Jason close to his heart…
“What kind of grandfather would I be if I placed my own fears and pain before my family?” he thought to himself…

So, before leaving, he took a handful of the strongest medication and creams and was ready to hold his grandson for the first time…
The big moment came and he was feeling confident…
He had some pain in his wrists and elbows, but he thought he could handle it…
And then the unthinkable happened…
After 30 seconds of pure delightment, his joints gave up and they didn’t obey him anymore…
Screaming in pain, he almost dropped the baby…

Luckily, his son-in-law was close to him and grabbed little Jason before Paul fell down and lost consciousness because of the shock…
He woke up after a while with everybody staring at him in anger…
Who knows what could have happened?!
He was devastated…
Joint pain was nothing compared to the remorse and emotional pain he was feeling at that moment…
Even though everything was ok and his grandson was fine, he couldn’t help but consider himself a danger to his loved ones from then on…
Everything went downhill from that moment for him as things went from bad to worse...
So I took a closer look to his joints and did some investigations…
Upon a closer look, his problems ran much deeper…
He had the worst form of joint degradations I had ever seen in my life…
It was so bad, I was surprised he could hold a cup of water or go up the stairs on his own…
So bad that, during dinner, he always asked others to help him with his plate not to drop it…
His wife helped him almost every day to get dressed…
Needless to say, so much for his dream of hosting parties…
In time, he forgot how to smile or laugh…

He was depressed and often had panic attacks…
And how could he not?
Because of his ill ankles he fell down quite often, never knowing when the next fall would come…
That’s why he mostly stayed indoors and started walking with a cane…
His worst nightmare was that he would fall and hit his head on a piece of furniture and that was it...
If that happened, could his wife even help him in time?
Would an ambulance get to him fast enough?
His joints were so damaged that there was no chance of surgery…

Even though he had tried everything under the sun, nothing seemed to work…
Plus, he felt like his brain wasn’t what it used to be anymore…
Being constantly under pressure, he found it hard to remember simple things, and suffered from insomnia, headaches and brain fog…
He thought these were caused by the severe pain and cracking of his hands, elbows and ankles, and he might have been right… since he wasn’t sleeping properly…
Every time he asked for a stronger pill from the doctors to manage his joint pains and headaches, they looked at him like he was a junkie…
His life was a living hell and the thought that he had to go on like this every single day for the rest of his life was unbearable: always in agony, always in need of someone else…
The worst part: most doctors didn't even take his pain seriously; they saw him as a vain over-complaining patient that didn't have any REAL problems…
I mean, after all, it was just joint pain… it was not like he was dying of a heart attack…
But I could see his pain and it broke my heart…
Seeing him like this, I made a promise to myself that I would do absolutely everything in my power to help him…
I knew it wasn’t going to be easy…
This man was a walking puzzle…
I mean, people like Paul had already tried just about everything — what else could I do?

To be completely honest, I had no clue…
All I knew was that I was determined to not be the 9th doctor that left him desperate and disappointed…
The fact that none of Paul’s parents or grandparents ever suffered from joint disease was extremely intriguing, because it meant it wasn't genetic…
But what was really dumbfounding was the fact that all his blood and allergy tests came clean….
How could that be?
Every waking moment I kept thinking about this oddity, until I noticed something:
the joint pains seemed to intensify after his meals…
This made me wonder: “Was the digestive system the trigger of all the hell he was going through?”
I spent night after night bent over every study or article that I could find, over every news and every footnote…
I didn’t seem to come across anything good…
But my intuition kept nudging me forward…
Something had to come up and explain all of these seemingly unrelated symptoms he was experiencing…
Even so, after not finding anything helpful for 4 whole weeks, I was almost on the verge of giving up…
But how could I look Paul or people like him in the eyes and tell them there was no hope for them?
I had to keep going…
And, thank God I did, because soon enough the solution came from the least expected place…
During one of our consultations, Paul wanted to show me something…
It was an article from a newspaper…
“Look, Doc, they’ve discovered that we don’t get enough sunlight and that’s why my joints hurt! In the middle of global warming!”
After having a chuckle about it, it suddenly hit me:
How come people in their 90’ have no joint pain and younger ones like Paul can barely walk and use their arms?
Does it have to do anything with food intake and, indirectly with the chemical substances he consumed with it?

Joints are said to be Mother Nature’s perfect creations regarding mobility and flexibility and the human race can’t find a way to protect it – especially through what we eat?
I had a hunch I was on to something…
So I went back to the drawing board…
What I knew was this:
- Some people, despite never taking care of their joints, have no problem at all with them…
- Eating somehow influences the joints, but not for all of us…
- Most probably, at one point, a group of people who have intact joints managed to keep their bodily characteristics intact and not get affected by modern society’s unhealthy food and lifestyle…
How could I identify the unique features such people’s joints had?
That’s when I came across a little known study that flipped everything orthopedists claim about joint disease, one that also shed light on what exactly is eating your joints from inside out as we speak…
And scientists, upon a closer look, have realized that joints are not affected by bad external factors, like bacteria, as you may think…
Actually, joint degradation and other related disorders happen not when there are too many bad bacteria, but when there are too few good bacteria…
You probably know about the gut flora or gut microbiome…
It refers to all the Bacteria, good and bad, and other organisms that live inside the intestines…
Imagine this like a constant war between the police and thugs…
The thugs, the bad bacteria, are always looking to make a mess of everything, while the good cops try to keep order and control…
But they can't do that if they are outnumbered…
So, the more good bacteria strains you have, the better your digestion…
Which leads nutrients into your circulatory system, which eventually leads to how your joints are being maintained and nourished or not…
The moment this idea got out it started a serious fight between scientists and orthopedists from all over the world…
This big fight is known as the “germ theory” vs the “terrain theory”…
The “germ theory” says that the bad germs are what we need to worry about and we need to keep finding ways to kill them off…
This, of course involves: repeated visits to the doctor, pills, and a pile of joint-care products…
I think there’s no need for me to mention this idea was supported by orthopedists…
On the other hand, the “terrain theory” argues that if the digestive environment is well and balanced, then germs that are a natural part of life and the environment will be dealt with by the body without causing sickness…
And this “terrain” or environment is created by the good bacteria…
In fact, studies have shown that, in the case of joint disease, there is not one specific bad bacterium that causes it…
Instead it’s all about how strong the community of good bacteria is when germs or viruses attack…
So, even if you were to “exterminate” all these bad germs, if there is no good bacteria to rebuild and nourish your joints and keep them safe, it’s all in vain…

If you had these good bacteria in your guts to begin with, any microbe or germs wouldn’t have stood a chance in the first place…
Plus, let me tell you this: whoever promises you they will completely get you rid of bad bacteria or germs is lying…
Maybe this can be done temporarily but we are human beings: we eat foods from the market, we socialize, we travel… we cannot live in a completely sterile bubble for all our lives…
Eventually these germs will come back again…
That is why evolution equipped us with good bacteria…
And that’s why a healthy stomach should have very diverse and numerous good bacteria strains…
Something that almost no doctor will tell you is that your eating habits affect not only your general health, but it goes down to the deepest parts of our body, such as joints...
Actually, every time you swallow or inhale, you are seeding your gastrointestinal tract with bacteria, fungi, and viruses from your mouth—140 billion per day, to be exact…
That’s right: every sip or bite affects how healthy you are, what diseases you have and how those diseases will progress…
So, can you imagine how much of your gut bacteria is negative?
Truth is your whole body mirrors what is happening in your stomach and your stomach mirrors what is happening in your body, especially your joints…
A joint issue is rarely, if ever, just a joint issue…
And it’s only normal if you think about it…
The stomach is the main “war zone” of your body…
Imagine if your “war zone” is not properly equipped, all of the unwanted and hostile enemies will end up eventually in your home... and it will soon have all sorts of things growing in it…
So many diseases are linked to poor digestive flora, from IBS to cardiovascular disorders and anxiety and depression…
Moreover, a 2009 study suggests obesity begins with the internal flora…
Over 98% of the women with obesity studied, shared similar microbiomes…
And it doesn’t stop here:
while you swallow plenty of bacteria that end up in your gut, part of them cause unimaginable damage, weakening your immune system, leading to serious affections, maybe even deadly on a long term…
Your bloodstream is the main form of transport…
Each time you eat anything germs get transported into your digestive system…
As bacteria breaks into the bloodstream, it can travel to organs throughout the body, including the joints, wreaking havoc if not properly managed from the beginning of this journey…
According to a new study published in the journal Science Advances, bacteria normally present in your gut can also release toxins that make their way into the brain…
Once there, they may contribute to brain damage and memory disorders…
I know it sounds scary but there’s one way to prevent all of that: by diversifying and increasing the population of good bacteria you ingest…
Literally get more good cops in to keep everything in good working order…
In fact, Alex Mira, a bacterial geneticist at the FISABIO research institute in Valencia, Spain, says that as humans evolved, they (like many other mammals) outsourced a good part of the body’s processes to the good bacteria that eventually influences the joints…
For example:
* regulation of nutritional absorption influences the caloric intake, therefore leading to excessive inflammatory responses in joints…
* bacteria within the gut secrete factors such as short chain fatty acids that can mediate the activity of cells thereby reducing local inflammation…
* Immune cell response to the gut flora may lead to secretion of pro- or anti-inflammatory factors and the migration of activated immune cells to the systemic circulation and eventually to the joints themselves…
* and eliminating free radicals and other waste products from the foods we ingest…
In addition to these important functions, the good oral bacteria play a vital role in protecting us from harmful environmental organisms, chemicals and toxins…
They even regulate blood pressure!
Our body doesn’t have the enzymes to do any of the things mentioned above, we entirely rely on our internal flora, and without them our health would be out of control…
So, I cannot state enough how crucial good bacteria strains are…
Healing the internal flora helps heal the body, and vice versa…
Now, the only question I needed to answer in order to uncover the real root cause of joint disease was:
What destroys the good internal bacteria and doesn’t allow the strains to grow back?
After digging even deeper, I found the shocking answer…

It’s the very things that promise to save you from it: the so-called “healthy foods” and recovery procedures...
The good bacteria is always trying to repopulate, but using these is like pouring bleach in your garden and expecting to get nice plants growing there…
The bacteria just never grows in a balanced way…
Sometimes one bacteria strain might grow, sometimes another, sometimes a third…
But the problem is healing bacteria strains can’t grow all together at once, for months in a row and support each other in creating a varied, safe flora for your joints…
If that wasn’t enough, some over-the-counter ailments tend to damage your stomach to be effective…
The substances used, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), are too rough…
These ingredients can leave your stomach vulnerable to acids, creating sensitivity…
Don’t rely on your classic anti-inflammatory medication either…
In fact, honest orthopedists don’t even recommend them because consequences on your body are deeply harmful…
Considering all these, the immune system of your digestive system flora is almost non-existent…
The result: you get sabotaged by the toxic agents located deep inside your cells that attack vital parts of your joints, leaving you in a world of undying pain…
So, what can you do? Should you stop using anti-inflammatory treatment and never touch unhealthy food again?
Certainly not, anti-inflammatory treatment has its undeniable benefits - it surely relieves pain on the short term…
If you use certain medication - one that does not contain toxic ingredients - the damage to the good bacteria is minimal…
But even if you choose the best, most expensive treatment starting today, the bacteria strains are still incredibly weakened and need time to recover…
However, there are two factors that make it hard or even impossible for this to happen…

First one is stress…
Stress causes major damage in your digestive system…
Stress, together with the lack of good bacteria, causes a shift in the PH to a more acidic environment that eventually leads to an imbalanced digestion, allowing toxic ingredients to pass into your blood and reach the already damaged joints…
They put an enormous amount of pressure on the cartilage and can often cause sudden twinges that leads to uncontrolled spasms, like Paul felt when he was holding his grandson...
The second culprit is unhealthy food, like added sugar, salt, carbs, alcohol, etc…
Your digestive system, although tough, if constantly bombarded with harmful agents, it has its breaking point…
Too much salt for example, will cause cartilage breakdown and bone destruction…
And today’s processed foods are loaded with salt…
Before telling you the only method that can rebuild the digestive microbiome…
Here’s a QUICK TIP to help you rebuild your joints: drink green tea – it has amazing properties…
If you’re still in doubt whether your digestive microbiome is poor and you lack good bacteria, all you have to do is answer one of these questions:
First Question: Have you ever woken up on different days with either a small or a more intense pain in one of your joints or back that goes away really slowly?
And the second question: Do you also have digestive issues, like bloating or IBS, or are you also dealing with allergies/headaches?
If you answered “yes” at least once, this is proof that your digestive flora is out of balance, and your digestive system is constantly under attack with very little protection…
I mean just imagine toxic chemicals viciously corroding your whole digestive system, while destroying every single strain of bacteria… allowing germs and viruses to multiply by thousands every single second and crawl up your blood stream into your joints, causing inflammation, irritation and pain, simultaneously affecting your brain and digestion, leaving you prone to allergies…
I know this is a pretty intense picture…
But it is extremely important that you see and feel what exactly is happening at this very moment not only to your joints, but also to your entire body…
Because once you do, the solution becomes clear as daylight…
I know that’s a big thing to say…
But I will prove to you this very moment how true it is…

What you need to do is repopulate your digestive system with good bacteria and create a healthy environment for those thousands of diverse, healing strains to grow…
The moment your digestive system won’t be under constant chemical attack, the regrowing and rejuvenation process for your joints will start…
Your wrist pain, swelling and stiffness will vanish… they will regain their mobility and flexibility…
The damage done to your knee or ankle cartilage will be minimized, the soft tissues in your joint areas will be strengthened…
Plus, remember: every time you swallow, you are seeding your gastrointestinal tract with over 140 billion bacteria and fungi per day…
Populating intestinal or respiratory tract with good bacteria will also improve your overall health…
You will even breathe better, swallow easier, free your sinuses and free yourself from allergies and headaches…
You will get a restful sleep, feel more relaxed and enjoy a better digestion…
In theory it makes a lot of sense, right?
But how exactly do we DO that?
Well, the first thing one might think of is taking probiotics…
At least, this is what you hear everyone recommend when there’s a flora imbalance, especially in the gut…
And, I admit, this was also what I thought in the beginning…
The only thing is… Not all probiotics are the same…
And not all probiotics are good for all diseases…
Just like you cannot take the same pill for a toothache and bad digestion…
The probiotics that you usually find on the market are mostly designed for the gut in general…
But when it comes to the joints, you need completely different strains of bacteria…
Now, let’s say you do not find probiotics for joints…
Unfortunately, most of the time, the strains in your supplements are already dead because of poor packaging and handling…
Meaning you’re ingesting dead bacteria that have no effect whatsoever…
Secondly, in order to sell more, probiotic brands add as many strains as possible inside the formula without making sure if they interact well with one another…
Too many strains only confuse your body and - if the bacteria strains are not compatible - they create a new war zone inside your guts…
Then, studies show that 96% of the live probiotics are being killed by your saliva and stomach acid…
Keep in mind that your saliva might be more acidic than normal because of the imbalanced flora…
Last but not least: You take a probiotic pill that goes directly to your stomach… and then what should you do?
Hope that the 4% of the bacteria that were not destroyed by stomach juices should find a way to fight the heavy war against bad bacteria?
For me, at least, prescribing to Paul some random probiotics, that might or might not be what his joints indirectly needed, just wasn’t an option…
But I knew I hadn’t gone so far just to stop there…
Secondly, in order to sell more, probiotic brands add as many strains as possible inside the formula without making sure if they interact well with one another…
Too many strains only confuse your body and - if the bacteria strains are not compatible - they create a new war zone inside your guts…
Then, studies show that 96% of the live probiotics are being killed by your saliva and stomach acid…
Keep in mind that your saliva might be more acidic than normal because of the imbalanced flora…
Last but not least: You take a probiotic pill that goes directly to your stomach… and then what should you do?
Hope that the 4% of the bacteria that were not destroyed by stomach juices should find a way to fight the heavy war against bad bacteria?
For me, at least, prescribing to Paul some random probiotics, that might or might not be what his joints indirectly needed, just wasn’t an option…
I realized that the only way I’d know for SURE there’s a bacteria strain formulation that worked as powerfully as all the studies indicated…. was for me to be the first one who creates it…
This formula had to force the body build up the good bacteria to rebalance the digestive system microbiome and stop the erratic growth of viruses, fungi and germs at once for him to eventually regain his once healthy and perfect joints…
In turn, this had to clear the damaging effects of unhealthy eating and damaging lifestyle he and others like him had…
And, as I said, once the microbiome of the digestive system is regained, joints have the perfect environment to start healing themselves…
So, I gathered a team of medical researchers and chemists that would help me find the exact incentive to help the body to do just that…
And, after continuous months of testing, we came up with breakthrough 8 substances that had repeatedly proven their amazing ability to work in synergy to create good bacteria to eventually crush joint deterioration in tens of clinical trials…
And I am going to tell you immediately what those ingredients are, how they work and how easy it is for you to get them today…
The first one is Glucosamine sulfate…
This amazing compound serves as a building block for a variety of functional molecules in your body, especially in your joints, but it’s been proven to inhibit the activation of inflammatory pathways in synovial cells that are located in your joints…
This substance is so potent that it’s considered a medical wonder: it inhibits joint pain and can increase the healing time by 48%...

Next, we decided to bring in Boswellia extract, or, as we named it, the “the fireman”, as it puts out inflammation and stops the damage done by toxins…
Boswellia is a tree that is native to India, Africa, and Arabia…
It is commonly used in the traditional Indian medicine, Ayurveda, and it’s a resin or "sap" that seeps from openings in the bark of several Boswellia species…
For joints, Boswellia extract is the number one “cop” that prevents cartilage degradation and prevents inflammatory explosion from taking place in your joints…
Boswellia is also known for its good benefits for brain injury, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, for ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease that affects the colon, Crohn's disease, and abdominal pain…
It is also used for asthma, hay fever, sore throat, syphilis, painful menstruation, pimples, bruises, headache or diabetes, or to increase urine flow…

The next compound we looked into was Chondroitin…
This is a molecule that should occur naturally in the body…
It’s a vital part of cartilage and studies have found that taking chondroitin prevents cartilage breaking down and also stimulates its repair mechanisms that help regenerate tissue…
Chondroitin rebuilds vital parts of cartilage, giving it elasticity by helping it retain water…
Laboratory studies have found that chondroitin can reduce the activity of enzymes and substances that break down collagen in joints, repairing the damage and helping them gain 100% of the lost mobility …
After solving these problems, we needed to focus on improving the cartilage itself to help the body restore flexibility and keep it that way...

So we turned out attention to Turmeric …
Turmeric is best known as a spice used in Asian dishes but, historically, it’s been used by alternative healers to treat pain and swelling because it contains a substance called curcumin…
Curcumin supports the underlying process that includes a variety of factors, such as biomechanical forces, metabolic dysregulation and alterations in local joint tissue metabolism…
Curcumin helps regenerate this tissue while applying its anti-inflammatory properties, eventually eliminating joint pain, ensuring flexibility, balance, strength and movement…
During medical experiments, this super compound both reduced joint inflammation and prevented joint decay!

Quite impressive, right?
Let’s move to the most unique factor that we’ve discovered:
Quercetin is a flavonoid compound, and its derivations are used in many industries, such as the medical and food industries. In medical industries, Quercetin can exert health-promoting effects because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticancer, wound healing, anti-allergic and anti-diabetic effects…
Studies showed that, after ingestion, Quercetin can combine with salivary proteins to form soluble protein-quercetin compounds…
Upon arrival in the small intestine Quercetin is absorbed into epithelial cells and, before entering the circulatory system most of the Quercetin ingested is converted into substances that reach the joints and help them regenerate…
Recent studies suggest that the gut microbiom influenced by Quercetin has a key role in bulletproofing your whole joint complex, protecting the cartilage from future damage and infections thanks to its antimicrobial and antifungal properties...
We also implemented into the formula other beneficial substances such as Methionine or Bromelain with amazing properties, but the most important characteristic of the compounds was that, combined, the substances gave the best environment for the good bacteria to thrive…
Together they prevented gastric mucosal lesion development… they cleaned the entire digestive system and stopped the spreading of harmful agents that made their way to the cartilage, literarily destroying the joints…
The immune system fights on a long-term against any future toxins, chemicals and germs you might come in contact with and you’re getting a 24/7 bodyguard for your knees, ankles, elbows or wrists…
And, after making sure we got the right quantities and the most effective combination of compounds, what my team and I consider to be
finally saw the light of the day in one small but extremely promising batch…
He gladly accepted since he had tried everything else…
I was constantly checking on him to see the results, but we had to wait, as we knew it would take a while…
After a few days the thought of giving up crossed both Paul’s and my mind since we didn’t see any improvements…
But something told me to keep on trying and I convinced myself to continue just for a little longer…
Paul went along with it…
And another few days passed and still no results…
The future looked bleak…
Then, one morning, Paul woke up as he usually did…
But immediately he felt something had clearly changed…
He called us to say that - for the first time in years - he didn’t crawl himself out of the bed...
We were excited, but we decided to wait a few more days…
He called me a week later and he was in shock…
“Doc… What did you do to me? I’m a new man!”
For the first time in years he felt better…
He didn’t feel any violent spasms, no more squirming to find a painless position…
No more wrist and knuckle pain when making a fist or grabbing his toothbrush….
No more sorrow knees that hurt with every step…
No more crippling pain in his ankles…
Now let me tell you…
He had a state of wellbeing I had never seen in anyone since… forever…
It was single-handedly the most incredible transformation I have ever seen in my life…
I told him to meet me at the lab to do some tests…
The results?
His joints… all of them… were almost fully repaired!
Paul had finally broken free from the joint pain prison that kept him captive…
He started to move around, grab things, bend his knees with no care…
The swelling was gone, the cracking noises in his knuckles, elbows, knees or ankles were gone and he got rid of the chronic pain that was eating him from inside, while regaining his hands, knees or feet flexibility and mobility…
All these came with reduced depression and anxiety, no more moods… his zest for life finally came back and he was starting to live the life he had always deserved once again…
As I was discussing things with my team and told them I was beyond thrilled that our research has finally paid off, we decided that the remedy was efficient for Paul, but what about other people?
We had to test the remedy on more volunteers, in order to be 100% sure about its efficiency…
So what we did was to post an ad online saying we’re looking for volunteers…
From men and women who struggled with mild or severe joint pain to those with advanced clinically proven joint damage, who weren’t able to do simple things, like properly gripping door knobs, using light switches or turning faucets…
Those countless individuals that were deceived and undergone by modern medicine, all of them had one thing in common:
Painful, deteriorating joints were ruining every aspect of their lives, and the lives of their loved ones…
In two weeks’ time we managed to gather over 270 volunteers ready to validate our theory…
Now, I expected the remedy to be efficient but I did not expect it to be that good…
Within just a few weeks 98% of the participants reported that they had experienced through the roof results regarding their joint flexibility and mobility...
No more damage in the cartilage tissue, no more excruciating pain, no more muscle stiffness…
They regained the ability to control their limbs and body as a whole…
The damage done to their knees, hips, elbows or shoulders was reversed, the soft tissue in their wrists, ankles or backs were strengthened by 300% and they were completely safe from future toxins and infestations once and for all…
The formula put an end to the inflammation on a cellular level and flushed out the dangerous particles that prevented the knees, ankles or wrists from restoring themselves…
They also reported elevated energy levels, no more “blue days”, they were in excellent spirits and free from stress and anxiety…
Within a few more weeks after that, 100% of the participants reported that they had fully recovered their flexibility and mobility as they used to have in their teens.
It was absolutely stunning!
And as an unforeseen side benefit, they all observed reduced anxiety and improved mood.
Other benefits were:
- Improved digestion
- Normalized blood pressure
- Reduced risk of respiratory infections
- Stronger muscles
- Improved nutrient supply to your brain
- Better circulation and heart health
- Sharper vision and eye health
Repeated tests demonstrated no signs that the process was slowing down…
On the contrary…
Women were glowing with happiness, color started showing on their cheeks, they looked and felt 20 years younger…
The men were full of assertive energy and confident, no longer captives of this crippling disease…
Each one of the participants fought joint pain and increased muscle optimal working capacity in just a few weeks, even the most skeptical ones jumped out of their skin when they got back their flexibility, balance, strength and movement…
It was plain as day the remedy was working 100%...
I was watching with utter excitement as my dream was being brought to life…
All this pain and suffering had to come to an end and we had to make this available for everyone…
So I managed to pull some strings so I found a small independent natural pharmaceutical company in Nevada…
And we started looking for producers that only offer the purest ingredients…
I’ll tell you, it wasn’t easy!
It took us weeks until we found something reliable…
You would be shocked if you’d know how ignorant most of these people are when it comes to the quality and purity of the raw materials they produce…
We looked for ingredients on 3 continents…
I used all my connections in my domain to make sure we only get top quality ingredients from certified and FDA approved producers…
The job was excruciating…
We worked day and night to make sure each ingredient was mixed in the right quantities…
And after over a month of hard work, we finally did it…
So we put everything in an easy to swallow capsule, to take two at once in the morning with a big glass of water…
We called our amazing joint-saving capsules Joint Pain Killer because, before completely healing the joints, it literally kills the pain

It's the only 100% natural doctor formulated health solution that addresses the root cause of joint pain and degradation:
The microbiome in out guts…
Just take 2 tablets in the morning and let the science do the rest…
It contains 8 powerful compounds, supported by multiple clinical studies, with amazing benefits on your joints…
Every single miracle capsule is manufactured in the USA, in our FDA approved and GMP certified facility, under sterile, strict and precise standards…
We are regularly disinfecting the equipment used to process the ingredients and package our bottles…
Joint Pain Killer is non-GMO and safe…
It does not contain any dangerous stimulants or toxins, and it’s not habit forming…
Since its release, Joint Pain Killer has provided relief for more than 150,000 people…
People like…
“I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis 8 years ago and have been struggling with pain in my wrists, elbows and shoulders that wouldn’t let me sleep despite taking morphine and oxycodone ever since.
My doctor told me it was just a part of aging, but I refused to accept that.
I tried countless remedies to relieve my pain and swelling, but they either didn’t work or were too expensive.
I was skeptical when I stumbled upon your website, but the science behind it convinced me to give it a try.
And it’s backed up… not just with research studies but with ME. Me as a living proof that this actually works. No need for MRI scans, CT scans, blood tests, because the pain is gone and it is the only thing that helped it go away.
Actually my doctor is pretty shocked and he’s been silently recommending your method to his patients, along with the medicine he is obligated to prescribe. “It’s just the way things work in modern medicine, thanks to the pharma industry,” is what he told me.
I can’t thank you enough for helping me use my hands again, this method has truly changed my life for the better.”
John Brown, 64, from Lincoln, Nebraska
“Suffering from joint pain is unbearable!
It not only limited my daily activities, but also made me feel like a 90 years old, dragging my body from here to there… always asking for help for the easiest things…
All that until my children introduced me to your method after finding so many positive reviews.
I decided to give it a try and was amazed at the results.
At first I didn’t feel any changes, but then after a short while it actually started working.
The pain was gradually fading away, until one day when my back and hip pain completely vanished as if it was never there! And I was swept off my feet!
I was finally able to sleep and stop taking the anti-inflammatory medication and anti-depressants I’d been eating like candy.
Oh, the feeling of living like a normal person again is amazing! I can enjoy life the way I used to thanks to you and to this amazing and life-saving solution.
I thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart.”
Charles Brown, 56, from Richfield, Utah
“I’ve tried to keep a healthy living my whole life…
All for nothing… all of a sudden I had inflammation in my knees and ankles.
It was torturing me for three years straight, to the point I managed to save money for the surgery… I had to, I couldn’t do anything at all – I was barely walking…
In the meantime I tried pain relief solutions with hopes the pain would subside, but nothing worked…
Then I found your website and tried your amazing solution…
I’ll never forget how I woke up one morning being pain free and able to move my feet just fine. And it was all thanks to this scientifically backed method.
I couldn’t believe that what you said was 100% true!
I don’t need to say much, only that I canceled my surgery. I DON’T NEED IT. Months ahead and I haven’t felt pain at all ever since…
Bless you!”
Miranda Fisher, a 39 years old
“I love Joint Pain Killer. It really killed my stiffness and pain in my wrist, elbows, hips and back.
I was so thrilled I finally found something that works that I ordered more bottles.
After a few months I can proudly say that I am 100% healthy.
Thank you so very much!”
Steven Clark, 75, from Columbus, Ohio
Now, I'm guessing that you're probably ready to try this state of art solution for yourself…
And you should be…
Because Joint Pain Killer is the first scientifically-backed, natural solution that allows you to fully regain your wrist, elbows, shoulders, hips, back, knees and ankles!
So, with all that in mind, let's talk about how you can get Joint Pain Killer today…
First, what you need to know is that we absolutely refuse to cut any corners…
With Joint Pain Killer, you’re always guaranteed a premium, state-of-the-art product that is clinically tested and proven to work…
We’ve never spared any expense when it came to formulating it, especially since there aren’t that many laboratories in the world that can work with such precision and care that they keep the good guys alive and strong so they can do their job and protect your joints...
The bottom line is… quality like this doesn't come cheap…
However, when you compare the price of Joint Pain Killer with tens of formulations containing outdated, generic formulas that are barely of any help...
And given the lack of real solutions for joint regeneration, we could easily offer this at a very high price…
And considering the results our customers have seen without having to go through any surgeries or other costly methods… most of them said they would pay it without even blinking…
Think about it: how much would you be willing to invest to get back and keep your joints strong and pain-free every single day…
No more swelling, no more inflammation, no more muscle stiffness…
And best of all, never having to visit your orthopedist?

What would you be willing to spend if you were absolutely, positively sure this formula would do wonders for you? $300? $500? $700? But you know what?
Far from me to put a price on your health or on the peace of mind that being free from joint pain brings…
That's why, my team and I thought that in order to make it affordable for most people but also cover the ingredients costs and at least part of the research time that my team and I have invested…
The retail value of the product should be at $179…
Honestly, this is a steal considering what these amazing capsules can do…
However, our goal with Joint Pain Killer has always been to put it into the hands of as many people in need as possible…
That’s why we decided to cut the middleman and, instead of selling it in stores, make it available only on our website…
And pass the savings to you…
This means you don’t need to invest $179 to transform your joints… nor $150… nor $120…
All we want is to cover the costs of the ingredients and keep this site running for as long as possible…
Even though I’ll have to charge $99 for one bottle of Joint Pain Killer soon, considering the ingredients prices are rising due to the fact that the supply chains are very fragile nowadays, and even though $99 one bottle is surely a lot less than a visit to the doctor…
Today, only on this website and nowhere else, you can get your very own 30-day supply of Joint Pain Killer...
For a one-time 100% risk free investment of $69…
That’s right! Just $69!
And because I am so grateful you’ve made it this far into the presentation…
Which means you're serious about your health…
If you order a 3 or 6 month's package, we'll give you an even bigger discount, and additional bonuses!
Here’s why…
While many of our users experiment with noticeable changes in as little as a couple of weeks, the real magic happens when you take it for 60 days or more…
We’ve seen the effects of Joint Pain Killer on a lot of patients…
That’s why I would recommend you use two small capsules per day for at least 60 days, just to make 100% sure there’s not a single trace of chemicals or bad bacteria left in your digestive system…
It's important that you don't forget to take two tablets every single day…
Otherwise, it might lead to the immediate death of all of the good guys that have built up…
That means you could lose all the progress you have made up until that point…
The army needs to be strong in order to take over the bad bacteria that has made your digestive system their home…
Honestly, I cannot estimate exactly how many chemicals have accumulated at this point, nor how many toxins are blocked inside your digestive system, eating your cartilage…
This depends on many factors, like on the strength of your stomach flora or immune system or on what products you’ve used by now…
But, especially if you're over 35 years old or you feel tired and have joint pain on a constant basis, and, I recommend you take Joint Pain Killer for at least three to six months…
The healing bacteria and ingredients of Joint Pain Killer build-up in your digestive system, clearing everything of chemicals and germs, continuously nurturing and rebuilding your joints...
This means the longer you take Joint Pain Killer… the better you feel… the less chemicals and bad bacteria there are to clear… and the more your stomach flora will develop to eventually rebuild the joints…
Your progress improves exponentially every single day…
And it would be a shame to be so close to never having to deal with joint pain ever again…
Just to notice you’re out of Joint Pain Killer…
And risk compromising or slowing down your entire progress…
While having to wait months even for a new batch of these rare capsules to be available again…
And when they finally are, if we manage to get all the ingredients again that is… you might realize that their price is twice as high…
While today you can get our 3 and 6-month package at an incredibly steep discount…
The 3 and 6 bottle packages even come with free shipping!
You won't spend a dime to get your delivery…
So, once you’ll invest in 3 or 6 bottles of Joint Pain Killer, you will gain access to them immediately once you place your order…
That's how confident we are that you'll love what Joint Pain Killer has in store for you…
Now, maybe you have a large family… or maybe you've been dealing with joint pain for some time… or maybe you just like to be prepared…
That's why more and more of our customers are choosing to invest in the larger pack of 6 bottles… which saves them more than $300!
And you should also know that our special bottling keeps Joint Pain Killer fresh for at least two years on your shelf…
Due to the extremely limited supply and high demand, most of our clients are choosing the 3-pack and 6-pack packages…
I can't guarantee this offer will be available if you choose to leave this page and come back later…
So, don't hesitate to stock up today for maximum savings…
Please know that you won't find us anywhere else…
We do not sell on Amazon or any other website…
The only place where you can order this joint rejuvenation formula is right on this page and the page will only be up for as long as we have remaining stock…
If you’re skeptical, we totally understand…
You’ve tried a lot of methods, you’ve spent a lot of money, went through so much pain and nothing worked…
I am so confident that Joint Pain Killer works that I’m going to give you our ironclad 60-day, money-back guarantee…

We’ll give you a 100 percent refund, even if it’s been 59 days.
If you don’t experience any dramatic improvement or you’re not content for any reason whatsoever, we will promptly issue a full, hassle-free refund, no questions asked!
All you need to do is contact us within the first 60 days from your purchase…
You can even send back the empty bottles, and we'll still refund your money…
Just get in touch with our friendly customer support staff, and they’ll be happy to assist you…
The contact information is right on the bottle…
This means you have 2 whole months to decide if Joint Pain Killer is for you or not…
Your order today is a one-time payment with no subscription or hidden charges…
Just choose the package you want below:
Once you click on your chosen package, you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page…
Just fill in your payment details using a credit card or debit card…
After that, we’ll quickly send you your order in a discreet package for maximum privacy…
Again: this offer is in extremely high demand…
So, the one thing I suggest you NOT do is delay…
You see, it can take us from 6 to 9 months to produce a new batch as we’re willing to accept only the purest ingredients otherwise its efficiency would be compromised…
And sure enough, searching and sourcing for the most potent ingredients around the world delays things considerably…
Next, we ask a third-party lab to test the quality of each ingredient to ensure you get the highest quality, so that the bacteria strains are alive and kicking and actually do their best work…
Finally, they’re released to our contract manufacturer here in the USA for bottling…
We don't receive the batch in our warehouse until the formula passes all tests…
As you can see, that’s a lot of steps that involve a lot of people…
However, with everything going on in the world right now, our distribution faces a lot of challenges…
And with rising demand, Joint Pain Killer will soon be out of stock. ..
Therefore, if you decide not to try it today, I can't promise it will be available later…
Think about it… right as you’re watching this video… thousands of people across the country are re-discovering what it is like to have strong, flexible, healthy joints, happy to enjoy their pain-free life again and without feeling excruciating pain when they get out of the bed or when they hold their grandkids...
So, no wonder they keep asking us for more bottles for them and for their dear ones…
That's why, while Joint Pain Killer is still available, I urge you not to wait if you're still on the fence…
And when you click the button below, don't forget the multi-bottle packages…
This way, you’ll make sure you have the rare Joint Pain Killer capsules on hand for the next several months and not risk running out just when you enjoy its amazing results the most…
Remember Joint Pain Killer has to do everything I said it would do and even more…
Or I insist you send back the bottles, even if they're all empty, for a prompt and friendly refund…
As you’re protected by our 60-day, full-money-back-guarantee…
I want to offer you a sincere thank you for watching my presentation…
And congratulate you for taking what I think is a gigantic step towards a life without suffering…
If you’re still thinking about it, I just want to ask you to take a second and imagine what awaits you if you don’t choose Joint Pain Killer today…
You might decide to spend more time and money looking for various options… this might take weeks or even months…
In the meantime the health of your joints might get worse and worse… until the point where they are too damaged and weak even for the painkillers to take effect…
Or maybe you believe the problem will go away by itself…
Sadly, I’ve never seen such a case…
Quite the opposite…
The more you let your joint disease untreated… the faster it dissolves the cartilage and tissues… rotting your joints and embarrassing you everywhere you go…
But it doesn’t have to be like this…
Or you can risk nothing at all today…
Grab Joint Pain Killer right now and get the peace of mind you deserve…
So just click below to make your choice, enter your payment details on our secure order form, and place the order now…
We'll immediately ship your bottles directly to your home…
Every order comes with free shipping, no matter where you live, for the 3 and 6 bottle packages!
I can’t wait for you to experience every single benefit that Joint Pain Killer has to offer!

In order to keep him anonymous, the author used a pen name: Kevin Davis
Copyright © 2023
Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.
While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in our website and publication, neither the merchant nor the author assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. All products presented here are strictly for informational purposes only. The story and presentation are created strictly for promotional purposes only. Some home alteration alternatives may be illegal in your town, city, state, province or country. It is your responsibility to inquire with your local authority about how to proceed if restrictions apply. The product is an experiment, it was not technically assessed and has not been individually producted nor small-scale produced or mass-produced. Although we have not encountered a problem, you still must consult with your local authority.
The products, information, and other content provided by this seller are provided for informational purposes only. In the event of any problem with products that customers purchase through this seller, customers agree that their sole remedy is from the seller, if any, in accordance with any seller warranties and/or seller refund policy.